
2024 Trends in Software Testing


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The world of software development is constantly evolving, driven by technological advances and the growing demand for high quality applications.

In order to better understand current trends and challenges in the field of software quality, Katalon released the State of Software Quality Report 2024. This report provides valuable insight into the industry and offers useful guidance for professionals and organizations looking to improve their quality practices.

The State of Software Quality Report 2024

The State of Software Quality Report 2024 is based on data gathered from a global survey of 3,800 industry professionals and in-depth interviews with 14 selected leaders and experts. Among the latter is QAlified team member Gaston Marichal.

Together, these two phases of the study provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of software quality, showing the challenges, innovations and practices shaping the industry.

Key Findings

1. The most efficient practices for QA professionals.

Test automation is seen as the most effective practice, although less common practices such as behavior-driven and test-driven are also highly regarded for their effectiveness.

test automation trend

2. The most relevant challenges of Software Testing

As in previous years, the survey reveals lack of time as the biggest challenge to achieving software quality objectives, mentioned by 48% of respondents.

Other major obstacles include difficulties in implementing test automation, frequent changes in requirements and a shortage of skilled resources.

Most relevant Software Testing Challenges

3. Obstacles in AI adoption for QAs

The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) remains limited overall, especially among more experienced professionals, suggesting a resistance to adopting this technology among this group.

Respondents pointed to a lack of capable and reliable AI tools, a lack of skilled resources, and their concerns about security and privacy as the main obstacles.

Main obstacles in the adoption of AI in software testing

4. The future of AI in software testing.

Despite the low initial adoption of AI, its use in test case, scripting and data generation has steadily increased since 2022. AI adoption for test case and script generation grew from 35% to 37%, and for test data generation from 32% to 36%. This suggests a continued trend toward greater adoption of AI in QA tasks.

Access the full report

For detailed information and a series of recommendations for industry professionals, we invite you to download the full State of Software Quality 2024 Report by Katalon here: State of Software Quality Report 2024.