What is a proof of concept?


What is a proof of concept?

A Proof of Concept (POC) is a technical term used in various industries to prove that an idea works in real-world environments. A POC is crucial in the decision-making process because its results can identify potential issues before they happen.

In automated testing, a POC is generally carried out when you are trying to adopt automated tests using a new tool. As a first stage in this transformation towards automation, the POC makes it possible to evaluate alternatives and results in a project with a limited scope.

Start a Proof of Concept

We can help you implement automated tests with top-tier tools in a personalized manner for your system.

For more information about the process:

Implementing an automation solution implies a considerable amount of time and resources. Before embarking on this process, carrying out a POC can help validate the plan using a smaller amount of time with far less effort.

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

A well-executed POC makes it possible to validate the technical feasibility of automation, to evaluate different hypotheses, and obtain valuable information on the process in a controlled environment.

  1. To identify the best tool for the type of application under test and the project objectives.
  2. To understand the difference between manual and automated tests with regards to the results and the quality of the tests.
  3. To understand what can and what cannot be tested automatically.
  4. To fully grasp how much can be saved by using automated tests when compared to manual tests.
  5. To estimate the long-term return on investment (ROI) of using automated tests.
  6. To identify hidden problems and their impact on the expected results.
How can a POC be implemented?

How can a POC be implemented?

Our team is prepared to implement an automated testing proof of concept for projects coming from any type of business and industry.

The process to carry out a POC is simple and can be executed in an agile manner, considering the following steps:

Definition of goals
Definition of scope
Selection of tools
Test automation
Evaluation and presentation of results