
What Is Software Quality Assurance (QA) Testing?


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In software development, the term 'Quality' can be understood in several ways. Quality assurance contributes to satisfying client expectations and needs.  A single error can lead to customer and revenue loss.

But a question may arise here: what is software quality assurance, and how can it help ensure products without major defects to the end users? Why is software testing necessary for the development teams? To answer these questions, let's explore what quality assurance testing is and the best practices of QA testing. Let's get started.

qa testingWhat Is QA testing?

QA testing ensures that software products fulfill quality requirements.  It is a proactive strategy to find issues with software programs before they affect the consumers.

It entails a thorough examination of the functionality, accessibility, usability, and reliability of software. It’s important to make sure the software product offers a reliable and satisfying user experience in addition to simply identifying defects. 

QA testers carefully examine the software to find any errors or changes from the initial parameters. The preventive aspect of QA testing is what makes it so important. This is accomplished by establishing several uniform guidelines and standards the program must meet to be approved for release.

Why Is Software Testing Important

A vital part of the software development lifecycle is software testing. This phase guarantees that software is technically sound and aligned with consumer requirements and business objectives. 

Testing is essential for spotting and fixing potential flaws from the beginning of design. It is essential to avoid more involved and expensive fixes down the line. The Systems Sciences Institute at IBM highlights a convincing scenario: fixing a bug during the implementation stage may cost up to five times as much as setting it throughout the design phase. 

At the same time, fixing a bug discovered during the maintenance stage can cost up to 100 times as much. This highlights the need for rigorous early-stage testing in software development. 

graphicAnother important quality requirement is security. Security Testing can identify vulnerabilities that might allow hackers access. This is crucial for establishing confidence and protecting everyone’s sensitive data.

Testing also ensures that the program complies with relevant laws and regulations. This helps to prevent legal problems and gain the trust of clients.

Another major priority is user-friendliness. Testing examines the software’s usability and enjoyment. Nobody enjoys using anything difficult to understand. The testing phase ensures that the application is usable and pleasant to use.

The QA Testing Process

The QA testing includes six vital steps to ensure the process is smooth and effective. Let’s check it out:The QA Testing ProcessRequirement Analysis: A comprehensive understanding of the software’s specifications is the cornerstone of successful quality assurance testing. It covers functional and non-functional criteria like reliability, performance, and usability. The testing team may determine what needs to be evaluated and the desired outcomes.

Create an All-Inclusive Test Plan: A well-organized test strategy is essential to the testing process’s effectiveness. It should include information about the goals of the testing. The plan may consist of the methods used, the timetable, the assets, and the setting for the testing. This strategy serves as a road map. It directs the quality assurance team through the testing procedure. This helps to guarantee that every facet of the application is sufficiently tested.

Tool Selection: Effective testing involves the careful selection of testing tools. These tools must be in line with the particular requirements of the project. Automated tools can help with repetitive tasks. The bug tracking tools can help in defect management, while performance tools can assess the performance of the software.

Test Case Prioritization: Test cases should be prioritized because not all are equal. Key functionality is tested initially by ranking them according to the features’ impact and significance. This strategy is especially crucial in agile settings where efficiency is paramount.

Test Execution: The testing process begins by performing Unit tests, which developers carry out on distinct code segments. The Quality Assurance (QA) team tests the software at different levels, component, integration, end to end. The defects found in these tests are saved in a defect-tracking system to be properly managed.

Re-testing: The QA team tests the program again after the bugs are fixed. It ensures that the fixes haven’t caused any new issues. Regression testing is another way to ensure the latest alterations haven’t hurt the features that are already there.

Types of QA Testing

Automated Testing: This involves using automated tools to create and execute test cases to check the validity of the software components. It helps reduce the time and resources compared to manual testing.

Functional Testing: Each component of the software represents its function. This type of testing ensures that every module works as intended and meets the software requirements.

Regression Testing: It verifies and fixes the bugs after the software adds new features. This helps to ensure that the new changes do not impact the software components.

Non-Functional Testing: Test the overall functions of the software. It may include performance testing, security, or usability testing. 

User Acceptance Testing: Test the software in a real-world environment to determine if it fulfills the users’ needs. 

We also have a complete article where we explain the different types of testing.

Best Practices for the QA Testing

Best Practices for the QA Testing

Early Tests

Testing usually begins once the development stage is finished. However, under an agile approach, you must change the approach and start conducting tests and tracking as soon as the project is started if you want the best possible quality. 

This guarantees early bug detection. It helps maintain a positive working relationship with the team’s developers while saving resources and time. This facilitates increased coverage of tests and quickens the product’s release.

Combine Manual and Automated Testing

Manual and automated testing can be combined to increase test coverage., when doing lengthy, repeating sets of tests, automation can help save time. Complicated software with lengthy processes for development may require automated testing. 

At the same time, manual testing allows QA testers to test an application or website from the user’s viewpoint. You can verify UI, usability problems, and the system’s general operation.

Team may deliver high-quality products concerning both usability and functionality when they combine these two testing methods. In addition to finding flaws, you can increase the scope of tests.

Bug Analysis

It is essential to understand the main cause of the bugs. This can help enhance the current testing approach to avoid similar bugs in the future. It will save time and resources in the long run.

Make Sure Testing is Scalable

If the software grows in size in terms of adding more features, the current testing tools should accommodate these features in terms of scalability. It means these strategies are capable of handling more complex tests.

Encourage a Culture of Quality

Producing quality and high-caliber software is a collective team effort. So, promote and create an environment where quality should be more than just the responsibility of the QA team.

Key Takeaway

In summary, acknowledging the significance of software testing is essential. The terms “what is quality assurance testing”, “what is software quality assurance,” and “what is QA testing” all refer to the same idea. QA guarantees products without major defects that satisfy customer requirements. Errors are detected, enhancing a dependable user experience. 

The QA testing process includes a thorough test strategy, tool selection, test case scheduling, and rigorous execution. Quality assurance is an essential and methodical technique for development, not just a stage. It is vital to provide flawless items that meet customer expectations.

At QAlified, we have extensive experience in managing large-scale projects, supported by notable versatility that allows us to adapt to various working methodologies and meet the specific needs of each business. We invite you to get to know us better!

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