
TestingUy 2022 has kicked off


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Is the most important Testing and Quality event in the region.

Don’t miss the activities!

Actividades testinguy2022

TestingUy is the most important Testing and Quality event in the region, and this is its 9th edition. They seek to promote testing and to create a space for sharing knowledge and experiences by inviting international speakers specialized in testing.

The 2022 editions started at the end of July with a new format. There are still 2 face-to-face meetups and 2 virtual activities.

The activities are free of charge for participants thanks to the effort of those who carry out the event and to the sponsors who join us every year. All activities are free of charge; you can read more about them here.

See you there!

We invite you to follow TestingUy on their social media pages:

Twitter: twitter.com/testingUY
Instagram: www.instagram.com/testinguyoficial/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/testinguy
YouTube: TestingUY
Meetup: www.meetup.com/es-ES/Testing-Uy