
Prepare your eCommerce for Black Friday: testing tips


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With the arrival of key events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas, your eCommerce faces a great opportunity to generate sales but also a significant challenge: the massive increase in traffic. This can lead to site crashes, user delays, and technical issues during the purchase process, resulting in significant revenue loss.

A crash or malfunction of your platform during these critical moments can severely damage your brand's reputation and frustrate customers looking to make quick, hassle-free purchases. To avoid these issues, it's essential to conduct proper testing and ensure your eCommerce is optimized to handle the demand.

how to prepare for black friday ecommerce

In this article, we will explain how to prepare your eCommerce for Black Friday and other key events. We will explore what to expect during these high-traffic days, the key types of tests you should run, and share some useful tips to ensure your online store is always ready to face any challenges, maintaining optimal performance and avoiding losses during these crucial events.

Black Friday: what can go wrong?

On days like Black Friday, several issues can arise that not only affect the customer experience but also your revenue.

These situations not only impact your store’s immediate performance, but they can also have a lasting effect on how customers perceive your brand. If a customer experiences issues during Black Friday, it may be hard for them to trust your platform for future purchases, even on less busy days.

What to Expect During Black Friday?

During events like Black Friday, it’s common to see:

  • Massive traffic: On Black Friday, site visits tend to multiply. If your store usually gets dozens of daily visits, on this day they could be hundreds or even thousands. This influx can overwhelm your server, causing your site to slow down or, in the worst case, crash.
  • Access from multiple devices: Customers don’t just shop from desktop computers. A large percentage of purchases on Black Friday come from mobile devices, so your site must be optimized for a smooth experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • Various payment options: Customers expect to have multiple payment methods, from credit and debit cards to PayPal and local systems. All these options must work seamlessly, especially when several users try to complete transactions simultaneously.
  • High expectations: Consumers have come to expect major discounts and promotions on Black Friday, meaning your online store must be ready to meet the demand.

How to test your eCommerce to prevent issues

To avoid problems and ensure an optimal experience, you should perform the following types of tests:

1. Load testing: This simulates the behavior of multiple users accessing your site at the same time. It’s crucial for evaluating how your platform responds to traffic surges. This type of test helps identify how many users your site can handle before it starts to slow down or fail.

2. Stress testing: A more demanding version of load testing, stress testing pushes your system to the limit, generating more traffic than it would normally handle. This is useful for discovering at what point the platform starts to fail and how well it can recover afterward. These tests are ideal for evaluating not only your server’s capacity but also how quickly it recovers from a crash.

3. Compatibility testing: Since customers access from different devices and browsers, it’s essential that your eCommerce performs optimally on all of them. Compatibility testing ensures that your store looks and functions well on any device or browser. This includes checking that images, buttons, and purchase forms display correctly. If your site isn’t compatible with certain browsers or devices, you could be losing a significant amount of potential sales.

4. Security testing: Security is one of the most important factors to consider, especially during Black Friday when online transaction volumes surge. A security failure could not only cause you to lose sales but also the trust of your customers. Run security tests to ensure customer data is protected and your platform is resilient against potential attacks. Ensure all payment methods are secure and your privacy policies are up to date.

5. Usability testing: This ensures that navigating your site is intuitive and easy for users. It involves evaluating how customers interact with the site, identifying potential difficulties in the purchase process, product search, and transaction completion. Usability testing helps improve the user experience and reduce cart abandonment.

Learn more about the different types of testing and their importance.

Is your eCommerce really optimized?

how to prepare for black friday ecommerce

Beyond Black Friday, it’s crucial to have an optimized eCommerce year-round. Key tips include:

  • Constantly monitor your platform: Understand how users interact with your eCommerce and the experience they receive under various conditions and devices. Using observability tools can provide this information, which is also valuable for refining your tests.
  • Optimize site speed: A fast site improves user experience, reduces cart abandonment, and helps avoid bottlenecks during high-traffic days. Continuous performance testing is essential to ensure smooth navigation.
  • Prepare your support team: Make sure your team is ready to address any technical or customer service issues that may arise. On-demand support tests can also simulate how the system handles user requests during traffic peaks.


In summary, Black Friday is a great opportunity to boost your sales, but it can also become a challenge if you’re not prepared. Ensure you conduct the right tests and optimize your eCommerce to handle traffic increases and provide a smooth shopping experience. Additionally, keep your online store optimized year-round to offer the best service to your customers.

Conducting tests in advance, optimizing infrastructure, and having a contingency plan will help you maximize opportunities and avoid losses during peak demand days.

Learn how we can help you optimize your eCommerce so that it is always ready to face any challenge. Contact us.